Celebrating a Life of Grace...Cheers to a man worth hearing!

Dearest Pastor Chris Sir,
It's been 10 years of having you as a mentor and my life coach and tonight I sit back to reminiscence (on this occasion of your birthday) on my life and how much you have changed me through your teachings and your faith-filled Words. Sir, I sit back tonight to think of what my life would have been like if I never had the opportunity of being under your tutelage.

You inspired in me sir to have BIG dreams, your demonstration of faith in the Word of God made me a very bold person..now I am no longer that shy and timid fellow..I can face any challenge that comes my way and know that victory is certain for you have been my example and as the Word says "I follow them (you sir) who through faith and patience inherit the promise"

Thank you sir for making my life so beautiful and for impacting me with the investment of your personality...I love you loads

Happy Birthday to you my beloved pastor
Happy Birthday to my Father
Happy Birthday to my life's coach
Happy Birthday to the apostle of our generation
Happy Birthday to the man worth celebrating
